
REAMIT Partners connecting with the Trace + Trust Network

(Newsletter from Dec. 2021)

The REAMIT project proposes to adapt and apply existing innovative technology to food supply chains to reduce food waste and hence improve resource efficiency. REAMIT will focus on fruits, vegetables, meat and fish; the supply chain includes farms, packaging sites, food processors, distribution, logistics, wholesalers and retailers. The project will be carried out in Ireland, Germany, France, UK and the Netherlands due to the amount of interconnected food supply chains and huge food waste in these countries.


Fairs & Events

2022-03: Food Integrity (Virtual)

2022-05: SuccessFooDay (Rennes; May 03)

2022-10: Traceability for Food, “Le Salon de la Tracabilité alimentaire”

2021-10: German Regiomarkt Meeting ( Brandenburg)

2022-03: Direct Marketing by Farmers (Wieselburg)

2022-01: International Green Week (Berlin)

2022-02: Biofach (Nürnberg) – Tradefair for organic food

2021-11: FiGlobal (online/Frankfurt) – innovative food technologies

2021-10: Natexpo (Paris) – food processing, zero waste