Information on network and project relevant topics
Ethical Consumption
The OTTO Group has published its fifth trend study on “Ethical Consumption”. This area is close to our vision of authentic products and companies and has some interesting findings.
According to the Otto Group, the promise of ethical consumption has become even more relevant against a backdrop of rising insecurity and increasing social and environmental challenges. “People no longer just want to do good for themselves, they also want to make a difference for others with their consumption”.

Trend study (in German):
Trend study
A very interesting study from EIT about Trust of consumers in different aspects of the food.
The study differentiates between some European countries, as well as consumer profile. It outlines the confidence in the integrity of food products (incl. authenticity) and also the trust in to the food „system“.

EIT Food Trust Report:
EIT Food Trust Report
Panorama of the Food and Drink Industries
This is a good overview from the France Ministry of Agriculture and Food about the agricultural market in France (and including good info about the “regio-market”). It also underlines well our network topic of Authenticity. The France Ministry has identified Authenticity as one of the key topics to improve the competitiveness of companies working in the food-industry, which underlines the importance of our network topic Authenticity of products and companies.

Panorama of the Food and Drink Industries (french):
Country report France – German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
This is a good overview of the France agricultural industry (in German). It describes the economic situation of the agricultural and food sector and, among other things, the cooperation of the countries.

Country report France (in German):
CGAAER – Conseil Général de l’Alimentation de l’Agriculture et des Espaces Ruraux (The General Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas)
This is a good overview of the France agricultural industry (in German). It describes the ecoVery good overview about so-called “Local Products” in France, their importance, structure of the industry, etc.

Conseil Général de l’Alimentation de l’Agriculture et des Espaces Ruraux:
The new value paradigm in food
Sustainability in the ecological and social sense is becoming a new quality criterion in food. Especially the younger generations among consumers define the value of food in a more holistic way. – Translation of an excerpt from the Food Report 2022 by Hanni Rützler.
REAMIT Partners connecting with the Trace + Trust Network
(Newsletter from Dec. 2021)
The REAMIT project proposes to adapt and apply existing innovative technology to food supply chains to reduce food waste and hence improve resource efficiency. REAMIT will focus on fruits, vegetables, meat and fish; the supply chain includes farms, packaging sites, food processors, distribution, logistics, wholesalers and retailers. The project will be carried out in Ireland, Germany, France, UK and the Netherlands due to the amount of interconnected food supply chains and huge food waste in these countries.
Megatrend Map
The Megatrend Map of the Zukunftsinstitut shows 12 Megatrends. The Zukunftsinstitut has put these biggest drivers of change in business and society together. It is assumed that they are shaping our future in the long term.
For Trace+Trust, the overlap trends of importance are Neo-Ecology and Security (and a couple of sub-trends therein).